"We're All About helping fundraisers!"

  We're passionate about bringing quality fundraising  products to your campaigns


Our Philosophy

We have set our business the task of delivering quality products at affordable prices. We realize that small and large fundraising organisations, struggle to get initial funding to pay for collection products. We aim to help by investing into stock, this enables us to sell products which are not rising constantly in price. Having sold to major Charities, we understand that price and delivery are crucial in the charitable sector. As after all, maximizing the amount donated is what matters most.

Our Passion

Our passion is simple, we want to see change happen. We want to see people generously donating towards a worthy cause, your cause. We understand that the income generated by coin collection is a vital part of fundraising. A process aided by the use of our specialised, high quality and professional collectors. We want to see the Great British public supporting unpaid volunteer services and critical support teams throughout the UK and abroad. Whether the charity large or small, we believe the causes to be equally important, and worthy of support.

Our Vision

Our vision is simple, we aim to become a one stop shop fundraising supplier. With a range of products designed for specific needs, which will inspire generous public donations.

Alpha fundraising supplies, your cause is our cause.

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NEWS  By Tim Tonkin, Third Sector Online, 23 July 2012 


People prefer collection tin giving to direct debits, survey shows

Research suggests people prefer collection tin giving

Ipsos Mori's research for the review of the Charities Act 2006 finds that almost eight out of 10 people don't mind giving to tin rattlers

Almost eight out of 10 people like to give to charity through collection tins, but only about four out of 10 like to donate by regular direct debit, research has found.

In April, the research company Ipsos Mori asked 1,004 adults in England and Wales to select the methods they would use to give to charity – they could choose more than one. Seventy-nine per cent said they would use collection tins, 77 per cent said they would sponsor someone and 41 per cent said they would set up a direct debit. Six per cent said they liked to be asked to give by street fundraisers.

The research was carried out for Lord Hodgson’s review of the Charities Act 2006.

The survey asked which methods people had been asked to donate by in the past year: 86 per cent said through tin collections, 75 per cent had been asked to sponsor someone and 58 per cent said by they had been asked to set up a direct debit.


Charities in line for £100m boost to bucket collections as Treasury will give Gift Aid-style top-ups

By Tim Shipman
PUBLISHED:00:10, 22 June 2012| UPDATED:00:10, 22 June 2012

Charities which use collecting tins and buckets in the street will get a £100million boost after the Treasury announced plans to give Gift Aid-style top-ups on small cash donations.
Under the plans, the Treasury will throw in an extra 25p per pound on gifts worth up to £20, a help for charities which rely heavily on small donations.
At the moment, donors have to confirm their contribution is eligible for Gift Aid – the scheme which allows charities to reclaim tax on donations, taking a £10 gift up to £12.50, for example – by filling in forms or registering with the scheme in order for charities to benefit.

Bonus: Charity street collections will benefit from a Gift Aid-style boost
But under the new initiative, charities will be able to claim top-up payments of up to £1,250 on small donations to a total of £5,000, without the bureaucracy of the Gift Aid scheme.

The plans were revealed yesterday when the Government published the Gift Aid Small Donations Bill.
They are an attempt by Chancellor George Osborne to rebuild links with the charitable sector after his botched Budget charity tax caused uproar.

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He was forced to reverse plans to cap tax relief on donations earlier this month.
In order to prevent fraudsters setting up fake charities to claim the extra cash, only charities that have been registered with the Gift Aid scheme for three years will be allowed to see the benefits.
Chloe Smith, the Economic Secretary to the Treasury, said: 'The Government is committed to encouraging charitable giving and building a more socially conscious society.

Chancellor George Osborne wants to rebuild links with the charitable sector after his botched Budget charity tax caused uproar
'The scheme will particularly help small charities that rely on bucket collections, where it is impractical to get the paperwork required under Gift Aid.

'The Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme will boost the income of charities, unlocking around £100million more funding for charities a year by 2015-16.'

Stewardship, an organisation which gives charity donors a single account to manage their affairs, backed the plans. Technical director Kevin Russell said the

Bill would help cut down 'the administrative hassle' of claiming Gift Aid.
He said: 'Churches and small charities in particular will be able to benefit.'

The plans were also applauded by the Charities Tax Group, which advises charities on their tax affairs.
Chairman John Hemming said he 'welcomed' the scheme, adding that it 'gives charities the chance to receive a “Gift Aid-style” payment on small cash donations that would otherwise be outside the Gift Aid system'.
'Although the legislation is more complex than the sector had hoped, it reflects HMRC's efforts to accommodate charities in the scheme irrespective of how they are structured,' he added.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2162962/Charities-line-100m-boost-bucket-collections-Treasury-Gift-Aid-style-ups.html#ixzz28FVunyZn
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